Supporting Projects

Webpack & Babel

Emulsify Design System uses Webpack and Babel across all projects. See below for instructions on adding/editing specific Webpack and/or Babel configuration:



Storybook's configuration, including its Webpack configuration, can be found in the /.storybook directory. You can easily extend this configuration beyond the defaults, which for Emulsify Drupal includes loading twig, sass, YAML, and linting styles.


The Webpack build for the project found in the /webpack directory can be extended as well. By default it includes the following:

  1. SVG Spriting: Any SVG added into the images/icons directory will be added to the sprite and is delivered via the icon component (see components/01-atoms/images/icons for details)
  2. Image minification: Any images added into the images directory will be minified
  3. Sass/Stylelint/Minification: By default, all sass files will be compiled and minified into a single CSS file with stylelint feedback for errors.

There are other niceties for feedback (progress plugin) and cleanup (to keep the dist directory clean). Also, by default, there is a separate webpack configuration for development (webpack/ and production (webpack/ The development file is used when running npm run develop and the production task is meant to be used by the npm run build command for deployments.

Create separate CSS files per component

As of version 4.2.0, Emulsify's webpack config compiles multiple SCSS files into multiple CSS files while keeping the default style.css. Any SASS file that is not a partial (its filename is not prefixed with an underscore) will have a file created in dist/css.

Prior to 4.2.0, Emulsify compiles all SASS files into one style.scss file. If you'd like to generate separate component-based css files to use in Drupal libraries, do the following:

  1. In webpack/plugins.js change
const MiniCssExtractPlugin = new _MiniCssExtractPlugin({
  filename: 'style.css',
  chunkFilename: '[id].css',


const MiniCssExtractPlugin = new _MiniCssExtractPlugin({
  filename: '[name].css',
  chunkFilename: '[id].css'
  1. In the webpack directory create a css directory with the following structure. (Each js file should import its own <component>.scss file. Look at webpack/css.js for an example.)
│  └──css
│     │   component-1.js
│     │   component-2.js
  1. In webpack.common.js replace
entries.css = path.resolve(webpackDir, 'css.js');


// CSS Files.
glob.sync(`${webpackDir}/css/*js`).forEach((file) => {
  const baseFileName = path.basename(file);
  const newfilePath = `css/${baseFileName.replace('.js', '')}`;
  entries[newfilePath] = file;
  1. Now you can define CSS files in your Drupal libraries only where you need them, just like you do with js.
  2. Finally, Storybook only loads the main styles.scss file, by default. So make sure you add anything not globbed into that file to .storybook/preview.js.


The project leverages Babel for the transpiling and minifying of JavaScript files for the Drupal project. The options for this are controlled by the following files:

  1. Babel config: ./babel.config.js (Main config file)
  2. Browser Support: ./.browserslistrc (used by Babel env)